Barnyard Commandos is a French/American animated series based on an action figure toyline produced by Playmates. The series was Produced by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson and the French company IDDH. It features the vocal talents of S. Scott Bullock, Thom Bray, Pat Fraley, Paul Hreppel, John Mariano, Bob Ridgeley, Lennie Weinrib, and Danny Wells.
After only 4 episodes, it was determined that the series was not successful enough to merit further production and the series was cancelled.
The series is based around the concept of farm animals who consumed radioactive materials, left over from an abandoned military experiment, mutating them into hyper-intelligent, anthropomorphic paramilitary troops. This consists of two "hilariously harmless" opposing factions: the R.A.M.S. (Rebel Army of Military Sheep) and the P.O.R.K.S. (Platoon of Rebel Killer Swine).
Barnyard Commandos has a total of 4 episodes spread over 1 season that were produced in 1990.