The Savage Dragon is an American animated series, based on the comic book series Savage Dragon, that aired as part of the Cartoon Express block on the USA Network. Produced by Universal Cartoon Studios, the series ran for 26 episodes from 1995 to 1996 and featured numerous supporting characters from the comic book series, including She-Dragon, Horde, Barbaric, Mako and Overlord.
The Savage Dragon episode 21 titled "Endgame" served as the second part of a four-part crossover with three other shows in USA's "Action Extreme Team" programming block: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm and Wing Commander Academy.
The Dragon is a large, finned, green-skinned humanoid whose powers include super-strength and an advanced healing factor. He is also an amnesiac: his earliest memory is awakening in a burning field in Chicago, Illinois. Thus, for most of the series, the origins of his powers and appearance are a mystery. At the beginning of the series, he becomes a police officer for the Chicago Police Department and battles the mutant criminal "superfreaks" that terrorize Chicago.
Savage Dragon (voiced by Jim Cummings)
Alex Wilde (voiced by Kath Soucie)
She-Dragon (voiced by Jennifer Hale)
Overlord (voiced by Tony Jay)
The Savage Dragon has a total of 26 episodes spread over 2 seasons that were produced from September 1995 to December 1996.